Full Streaming Rudhramadevi in High Quality Video
Now you can play full Rudhramadevi in best look with duration 140 Min and was published in 2015-10-09 and MPAA rating is 3.- Original Title : Rudhramadevi
- Movie title in your country : Rudhramadevi
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : History, Action, Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-10-09
- Companies of movie : Gunaa Team Works,
- Countries of movie : India,
- Language of movie : हिन्दी, తెలుగు, தமிழ்,
- Durationof movie : 140 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.7
- Youtube ID of movie : Fc0QmDnNy3U
- Translation of movie : EN,
- Cast of movie :Anushka Shetty (Rudrama Devi), Rana Daggubati (Chalukya Veerabhadra), Allu Arjun (Gona Ganna Reddy), Nithya Menen (Muktamba), Catherine Tresa (Anambika), Aditi Chengappa (Ganalamba), Krishnam Raju (Ganapathi Deva Chakravarthy), Suman (Hari Hara Devudu), Prakash Raj (Mahamantri Shiva Devayya), Hamsa Nandini (Madanika), Adithya (Murari Devudu), Ajay (Prasadaditya), Baba Sehgal (Naga Devudu), Venu Madhav (Tittibi), Brahmanandam (), M. S. Narayana (), Tanikella Bharani (), Jaya Prakash Reddy (), Vennela Kishore ()
Movie synopsis of Rudhramadevi :
Download full Rudhramadevi in Best Look with movie plot "Rudraba, daughter of Ganapatideva, the emperor of the Kakatiya dynasty, was officially designated a son through the ancient Putrika ceremony and given the name Rudradeva so that she could succeed her father after his death. Despite opposition, she became of the most prominent rulers of the Kakatiya dynasty and one of the few ruling queens in Indian history." in high quality. Play full Rudhramadevi in HD Video by clicking the button above.
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Director : Gunasekhar, Writer : Gunasekhar, Producer : Gunasekhar, Producer : Raagini Guna, Music : Ilayaraja, Cinematography : Ajayan Vincent, Editor : Sunil Nayak
Yes, now you can watch movie regarding Rudhramadevi completely length and have the link to this video Rudhramadevi in best quality.
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